International Talk Like A Pirate Day is here again on Wednesday, and the discounts are back! I had hoped to release my new book this week, but sadly it's not to be. All the design work has yet to be done. In the meantime, stock up on holiday gifts for friends with copies of The Wrath of Brotherhood, or replace your hundred-times read copies that are surely on their last binding glue by now.
Books are $20.00 hardcover, or $0.99 for eBooks for the next week, so getting 'em now and get 'em plenty.
The working title for Book 2 is "True Colors," and it looks like it's going to be about 30% longer than book 1, so bear in mind that (by industry standards) you've suffered through this long wait for TWO books.
Updates soon! Have a good International Talk Like A Pirate Day!